Finance Committee

Steve Danko, Chair

Please email the Board Chair if you’re interested in serving on this committee:


The purpose of the Finance Committee is to monitor the short-term and long-term financial health of the Fellowship.


The responsibilities of this Committee are to:

  • Prepare a preliminary annual budget for review by the Board of Trustees. The final budget is voted on and approved at the annual membership meeting.
  • Conduct the annual pledge drive; prepare materials necessary for the pledge drive; facilitate the pledge drive kick-off event.
  • Recommend budget adjustments in response to pledges of support and submit this information to the Board of Trustees for approval.
  • Conduct additional fundraising activities as necessary.
  • Prepare an annual report for the membership meeting.
  • Collect budget information from committee chairs.
  • Provide input on such things as loans and mortgage.
  • Periodically review the financial policies of the Fellowship and present recommended changes to the Board of Trustees for approval.
  • Work with the treasurer to resolve emergency or extraordinary financial situations and to assure adequate insurance coverage.