Adult programs, Social and Interest Groups
Are you interested in Adult Programming or Community Groups? We are now meeting in-person and have several offerings. Besides the groups listed below we have meditation, yoga and a writing group. Please see events on the opening page of our website for more info. You can also sign up to receive our emails here.
Evening Book Club
Joyce McMartin, Coordinator
The Evening Book Group meets on the third Thursday of the month in the Fireside Room at 7 PM. The only requirement is that you read, or attempt to read, the monthly selection. Feel free to come to any or all of the meetings. We welcome newcomers and hope you find the selections interesting. Join us for a lively and informative discussion!
Check the calendar for books being read.
Men’s Group
John Peloquin, Coordinator
All welcome regardless of gender! The Men’s Group meets the second Thursday of the month at 7pm. We have a variety of speakers. Questions?
Men’s Poker
Steve Danko, Coordinator
The Men’s Poker Group meets on the second Friday of the month at 7:00pm in the social hall. This is a low-stakes poker group that is currently welcoming men who would like to be called to substitute or who have a large enough group (5) to form a second table.
Women’s Group
The Women’s Group gathers in the social hall on the first Saturday of each month at 10:15 for beverages and conversation. The program begins at 10:30. There usually is a short business meeting at 11:30, followed by lunch. Lunch is provided by a caterer for $7.00 per person. Attendees may bring their own lunches. In order to set up appropriately, those planning to attend should contact the office at
Check the calendar for a list of speakers.
Religion, Ethics, and Ideas
John Peloquin, Coordinator
Join us on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7:00pm for an interesting discussion. The topics vary. All are invited to attend.
Itchy Fingers Salon
Becky McPeek, Coordinator
Not currently meeting.
The Itchy Fingers Salon will be open on Saturdays in September, October, November, January, and February. We gather in the lobby area of MVUUF from 1:00-2:30 pm. Participants do a variety of handwork. In the past, folks have painted, sketched, knitted, crocheted, and one person made woven business card holders.
You are invited to come hang out with us. This includes those who like to draw, sketch, and color with paints, pencils, charcoal, pens, and crayons. Bring your own projects. Teaching and guidance is provided as needed.
Afternoon Discussion Group
Not currently meeting.
American Mah Jongg
Nancy Buckman Coordinator
If you are interested in playing American Mah Jongg, or learning how to play, we have a small group meeting Monday in the Social Hall from 1-3 pm.
Beyond Sunday Morning
Not currently meeting