Racial Justice at MVUUF
MVUUF is committed to continuing the fight for Racial Justice through education, advocacy, self-reflection, and relationship-building; as well as addressing structural racism and whiteness through intentional efforts in every area of our ministry (i,e., worship and music, children, youth and family, adult education, and justice).
We seek to empower MN Valley and its membership to work together toward healing the past wounds of racism as well as dismantling the current systems of white supremacy culture (see UUA definition https://www.uua.org/justice/dismantle-white-supremacy) within ourselves, our congregation and the broader community. Our work includes educating and training our congregation on the historical and current impacts of systemic racism and white privilege on society and the environment as well as advocacy, self-reflection and relationship-building with community partners with whom we share common cause.
In May of 2021 MVUUF passed the 8th Principle at our annual meeting. Click here for more information.
What does the 8th Principle say?
“We covenant to affirm and promote: Journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.” For background and history of the 8th Principle movement see 8thprincipleuu.org/
How do we accountably build a diverse multicultural community and dismantle racism?
If the uprisings have moved you, embrace that discomfort and grow. Now more than ever, MVUUF invites you to commit to racial equity, fight against white supremacy, and support BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) people’s struggle for justice and liberation.
Start by taking the Racial Justice Pledge.
MN Valley UU Fellowship Racial Justice Pledge
As Unitarian Universalists, our first principle is the inherent worth and dignity of every person. 2020 brought us even more evidence that this is not the truth of existence for many people. We witnessed the outrage and despair in our communities, and we heard an outcry of voices that we can no longer afford to ignore if we wish to survive and thrive. Those voices told us that for racial equity to truly be realized, every single one of us must take responsibility for it in our daily lives. We must be actively engaged in BIPOC’s struggle for justice and liberation through our own actions. MN Valley invites you to commit to action for racial equity and the fight for racial justice. Consider signing the Racial Justice Pledge annually to renew and affirm your commitment to this work.
Sign the Racial Justice Pledge*
I affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person and I support justice, equity and compassion in human relations. I affirm that white privilege and a culture of white supremacy are harmful to individuals and our society and I support efforts to dismantle them. I support racial equity, justice, and liberation for every person.
Therefore, from this day forward….
- I will strive to understand more deeply the societal impacts of white privilege including how its existence potentially benefits me.
- I commit to help transform our fellowship culture to one that is actively engaged in seeking racial justice and equity for everyone.
- I will make a greater effort to treat all people with the same respect I expect to receive.
- I commit to developing the courage to live my beliefs and values regarding racial justice and equity.
- I will strive daily to eliminate racial prejudice from my thoughts and actions so that I can better promote the racial justice efforts of our church; and
- I will renew and honor this pledge daily, knowing that our congregation, our community, our nation, and our world will be better places because of my efforts.
Make your pledge a lived reality by engaging in education, advocacy and/or spiritual reflection actions. We encourage you to think creatively about your action steps and push yourself to move outside your comfort zone. That is where true growth and change reside.
Some examples can be found here: Resources for Racial Justice Action
Click here to sign the pledge Racial Justice Pledge
Presented by the Racial Justice Committee
For information about the Racial Justice Committee please contact office@mnvalleyuu.org
*Adapted from First Unitarian Dallas