The Board of Trustees is the highest administrative policymaking, long-range planning and visioning body of the Fellowship. The Board of Trustees meets monthly on the second Monday of the month, at 6:30pm in the social hall. The meetings are open to all Fellowship members. If you have an item which you would like to have included on the meeting agenda please contact the Board Chair, Linda Hayen at Committees may also work with their BOT Liaisons to present items to the Board.

Officers of the Fellowship

Chair: Linda Hayen

Chair-Elect: Patrick Westcott

Treasurer: Richard Duffin,

Secretary: Kathleen Coate


Holly Bruce

Tom Ehlinger

Becky McPeek

Mary Tuttle

Board Covenant


To serve the congregational mission, the board at MVUUF will:  Lead with vision and continue to learn; Openly and intentionally communicate with the congregation; Respect the work of committees, chairs, staff and minister; and, Presume good faith.  As board members we will respect our time together and will:  Come regularly and on time to board meetings; Come prepared by reading board e-mails and relevant documents in advance; Seek and share appropriate knowledge so we all have information for wise decisions; Keep commitments to each other and to the congregation; Actively seek and listen to all points of view and share our own; Be brief; Share in the work of the board; If unable to fulfill responsibilities, resign so a new trustee can be named; Ensure that all board members are involved in decisions requiring a congregational vote; Stand by board decisions and speak to the congregation with one voice; Avoid triangulation; Stay connected to, and actively involved in, the church community; and, Maintain perspective and a sense of humor.

Fellowship Bylaws

The bylaws as amended 5/19/2019 can be downloaded as a pdf here.