MVUUF is a liberal religious congregation engaged in a shared quest for spiritual and intellectual growth leading to lives of service, compassion and justice.

Please join us on Sunday’s at 10:30am.

Please note: Sunday, July 28th is an in-person only service. There will be no video connection for the July 28th Service.

To participate by ZOOM click this link: ZOOM

To participate on YouTube click this link: YouTube

Our current risk level is Low. As per our Covid policy, masking for services is optional.

Find Previous Services here

Upcoming Services:
July 28th: Parking Lot Conversations
August 4th: Exploring Everyday Practices
August 11th: Yoga and Movement


Donate Online

Remember, you can give to Sunday Sharing or pay your pledge online. Just click the “Donate Online” button at the top of this page, or click here.