MVUUF is a liberal religious congregation engaged in a shared quest for spiritual and intellectual growth leading to lives of service, compassion and justice.

Please join us in person this Sunday at 10:30am.

Or, to participate on ZOOM click this link: ZOOM

To participate on YouTube click this link: YouTube

Our current risk level is Low. As per our Covid policy, masking for services is optional.

Find Previous Services here

Upcoming Services:

Sept 15th: Drop by Drop: Merging Waters: We invite you to bring water from your home or favorite place as we pool ourselves together in our annual Water Gathering service. This is a service for all ages with Rev. Laura, Maria Bavier and the MVUUF Choir. 

Sept. 22nd: What Does it Mean to Be a Welcoming Congregation?: Why is it important to be so explicit about being welcome to the LGBTQIA+ community? What’s at stake?  MVUUF celebrates Bloomington Pride by recommitting ourselves to being a “Welcoming Congregation”. Rev. Laura and Nakita Savant

Sept. 29th:  Exploring Humanism: “What do you believe?” Unitarian Universalism doesn’t answer that question, per se,but invites us to keep asking it, even — or maybe especially — when you think you found the answer. Ministerial Intern Chad Snyder talks about how he landed on “divine humanism” as his current answer — not to say it’s the “right” answer, but to illuminate the ways wrestling with the question can give shape and direction to our faith.

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