Date(s) - 05/01/2021
10:15 am - 12:00 pm
All women of the fellowship are welcome to attend our Zoom Women’s Group. You may join 15 minutes before the program and stay up to 30 minutes after for socializing.
Women of the fellowship, get May off to a good start by attending our last Women’s Group program of this fellowship year on May 1. We hope it’s our last Zoom-only Women’s Group ever, and that by the time we resume our meetings in October, we’ll be able to meet in person in our beloved building.
May’s program is traditionally one of our favorites because it’s the one in which our women fellowship members share examples of their talents with the group. So far, we have several writers, a cook, a Lego expert, a quilter and perhaps a musician willing to share a sample or two of their talent with the group, but we’re looking for others. Even if you don’t ordinarily attend Women’s Group, we’d love to have you participate this time.
As usual, plan to sign on to the Zoom link below around 10:15 or stay for a few minutes after the meeting for opportunities to socialize online with other attendees. This meeting can be our version of an old-fashioned May basket to each other. See you then!
Meeting ID: 850 5101 2350