Committee on Shared Ministry (COSM)
Committee on Shared Ministry
Barb Gilliand, Chair
The committee identifies, reviews, facilitates and encourages major ministries within the congregation. This includes how the Fellowship ministers to itself, how the lay ministerial leadership serves the congregation, how the called Minister serves the congregation and how the congregation lives out its mission in the larger world.
- The COSM, along with the minister, supports ongoing education of the congregation on the partnership and trust necessary for shared ministry to carry out the vision, mission and covenants of the congregation.
- Annually reviews ministries of the congregation for the purpose of continuous improvement and to address needs and opportunities for living out the vision and mission of the congregation.
- These reviews will be done on subjects in ways that are fair, transparent, in accordance with mission priorities and in close consultation with the Board and the Minister.
- The COSM shall work with the minister regarding his/her professional development needs, communicate such needs to the Board and the Congregation, and assist the Board in identifying resources that could be used to meet such needs.
- The COSM will prepare evaluations for the Ministerial Fellowship Committee of the UUA to support the Minister in seeking Final Fellowship status, when needed.
- The COSM shall respect the need for confidentiality concerning personal information in all of its activities.
- The COSM handles conflicts between the minister and any other party, by promoting an understanding and practice of our Covenant of Right Relations and relying on it in the de-escalation of conflict.
- The COSM serves as a channel of communication between the Fellowship members and the minister.
- The COSM reviews priorities and results with the minister.