Pitching in to Hit the High Note!
Sunday April 21st
Donation deadline is March 20th
Hey MVUUF Community – the Service Auction is upon us. And we are excited by all the possibilities for fun and funds. We hope you will join us by giving generously, participating, and promoting the auction.
As you know the Service Auction is one of our favorite fundraisers of the year! This year we will again hold the auction on Music Sunday, April 21st, immediately after the service.
Your service auction committee is working hard to create a wonderful catalog of offerings as well as other festivities and fun. If you haven’t made your donations to the service auction yet, please click on the link above to add your creative donation ideas. Your involvement is key to making the auction a success. The donations are divided into several categories: Dining, Food, Entertainment, Services, Good, and Arts and Crafts. Another idea is to buy a gift card to your favorite restaurant, retail establishment, museum, or theater. Be creative, and get your kids involved. What would they want to bid on? We don’t need the items now, just the information about them.
Do you have ideas? Need ideas? Please contact your Service Auction Committee with any questions mvuufauction@gmail.com. The donation deadline is to March 20th.
Please visit this page regularly and watch your Friday emails for updated information.